Monthly Archives: January 2023

December 2022 “Identifying The Best Time to Change”

Perfect timing foe a newsletter subject right at the end of one year and the begging of another. A high concentration of homogeneous players operating in a single market leads to elevated consumer satisfaction levels and the inability of a company to provide a consumer with preferred services and products which leads to consumer switching.

To avoid such disastrous consequences and remain in competition, many companies would resort to different means of change. There could be a change in management techniques, machinery, production techniques or salary structure among others.

So, when is the best time to implement a change? – The best time to implement a change would ideally be when it is not needed. It is universally acknowledged that a change arising out of an urgent need is very hard to implement owing to the lack of time and dearth of efficient research which goes in choosing the structure of a change. Also, during an urgent need, an organization is unable to give the necessary time to its employees to be prepared for the change. All these reasons require the need to know the best time to change.

If an organization wants to implement a change, a pre-planned and systematic approach towards a change is very much needed. Consider the case of an organization that has to implement an extensive employee database. Let’s assume that such a database is made mandatory by a court order that states many workers working in the nearby companies are responsible for a high number of community crimes in the area. Such database would require a lot of planning for proper implementation. Many considerations like the choice between computerized or paper database, the person responsible for the records and their maintenance, official documents needed from an employee for proper verification etc. should be made. It is easier to do all these things if the planning for such change had already been done when the organization started its hiring procedure.
There are two methods to implement changes namely, long term solutions and short-term fixes. Long term changes are often initiated at one time whereas short term fixes are continuous and recursive. Normally when long term solutions are prescribed, it has been seen that nothing was changing in the company for some time and suddenly a big significant change is implied to the organization. Evidently such changes are often resisted by various stakeholder including employees and the timing of such changes need to be carefully thought out, to avoid a confrontation. Ideally a proper time frame should be put forward whereby old structures are dismantled, and the new change is brought forward.

Short term fixes on the other hand are very minimalist in nature and are easily accepted by employees. Such fixes are a lot easier to implement because of their relatively insignificant impact (or not). If properly planned on constructive foundation, short term fixes could lead to excellent long-term benefits. Timing for such changes can mostly be left on the discretion of the management.

Irrespective what change you plan to bring in or the modality of the change that you propose, it is always best to implement a change at a time when significant window period is available, to properly plan and create interest in the implementation of the change.

Change for change’s sake is not a good thing; however, change for growth is the best approach. A teaming approach with your employees and a strategic plan and or a business plan is the most advisable along with proper execution of those plans.

November 2022 “Detecting Truth Inhibited Individuals”

Everyone wants to know whether they are being told the truth or being sold a bill of goods. Life is way too confusing and short to deal with this nonsense. Sometimes, though, there may be reasons why you don’t want to give away your every thought. Either way, it’s good to know about the body language of lying.

When a person lies, they generally feel uncomfortable about it (generally). They will usually display some gestures that conflict with the words they are saying. Some of these might be hand-to-face movements. They will often touch their hand to their eye, ear, or mouth.

Eye movement can also be a kind of body language that shows when people lie. If they are talking about the past, they look up and left. If they are talking of the future, they look up and right. If they’re looking towards the past, they’re remembering. If they’re looking towards the future with their body language, they’re coming up with a lie.

People who are concerned with their lying will try to act out the part. They will memorize where to look when they talk. They will try not to touch their faces. They will try to look you right in the eye. They will try to monitor all their body language to suit their deception.

A person who lies habitually, on the other hand, will seem normal in every way. This person no longer feels anything about lying, good or bad. A person like this will feel no need to suppress body language because his/her body language only shows how comfortable he/she is.

Also, a salesperson who speaks fast may appear dishonest because that’s what people have come to believe but may just be very conscious of time management. Actually, when people speak extra slowly, with many long pauses, it is more often an indicator of deceit. This form of body language includes both pauses and speech errors.

Any touching or the slightest rubbing of the nose is considered by some as a surefire way to tell that someone is lying. Certainly, it can be. On the other hand, the person may just have a skin condition that affects the skin of their nose. Their nose might itch, or they may have a cold. It doesn’t pay to jump to conclusions about body language.

If someone hides their lies easily, they can still be found out by their micro-gestures. These are smaller movements of body language, or facial expressions that exhibit an emotion. A liar might wrinkle up the nose, as if in disgust.

This is a small gesture, however, and may be missed. Another micro-gesture is when the person curls down the corners of the mouth. These kinds of body languages show a lie as surely as more obvious signals do if you only know how to look for them.

Poker players engage in a type of lying called the bluff. Players make a science out of figuring out the other players’ “tells.” These are slight micro-gestures the players will make when they have a good or bad hand. The gestures are usually unique to each individual player, and it takes an acute study to know your opponent. These players are highly in tune with each other’s body language.

Most people will tell a harmless lie from time to time. Most people, about 75 % of survey respondents told zero to two lies per day. Lying comprised 7 % of total communication and almost 90 % of all lies were little white lies.

Body language can be used to determine if you or someone else is really telling the truth. Time is to short why bother??